Minecraft Vs. SL Which One Is Best?
So we have been working in Minecraft (MC) for the last few weeks. I am compelled to say that I simply do not like it as much as SL or OS. This is due to several reasons:
- The building ecosystem in MC feels gimmicky and overly complex. I suspect this is because it is intended to appeal to a younger audience who enjoy questing, collecting, and accumulating objects to combine them- like Yugio cards! I found this to be needlessly tedious and confusing. I much prefer the more direct building style of OS and SL. While technically more "difficult," I find that SL building is much more purpose oriented and better suited for educational (vs. entertainment) purposes
- MC feels like a "less complete" ecosystem. Yes, I do realize that there is an entire economy and social system built around MC and that it probably has more activity than SL, however, it doesn't feel that way to me. I enjoy exploring SL and seeing all the different ways that developers and amatuers have monetized SL- many of them are very clever!
- SL is much more immersive than MC. Whenever I am navigating a MC world, I really feel like I am moving through and environment constructed of Lego pieces. This, along with the pixelated, cartoonish nature of the interface prevents me from feeling immersed. By contrast, SL is extremely immersive. I can recall, for example, visiting Whitechapel during Jack The Ripper's reign of terror and being absolutely horrified at some of the crime scenes rendered in SL.
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