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The Impossible Made Possible...The Plan Comes Together!

Last night, we all gathered expectantly in Open Sim (OS) to view fruits of a semester's worth of learning and building in virtual environments. Needless to say I was a little hesitant. I knew that our project was very good. We had worked very hard to create a virtual rendering of the critical learning spaces described by Thornburg in his seminal "Campfires In Cyberspace." Walking through our finished prototype, I reflected on how convinced I was, initially, that I would not be able to complete a quality final project. However, working with Nancy and Sarah with each of us collaborating and using our unique skills, we were able to design a quality prototype that I felt actually exceeded our initial vision. But would the class like it? That was the question that made us all uneasy. Throughout the semester we have witnessed some incredible builds by the talented members of LTEC 652D. In particular, I remember the minecraft circuits built by Deanna and the living music mach...

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